Date | Topic | Videos to watch | Reading | Assignments Due | Other Things | 05/13/20 | Equally likely outcomes, Interpretations of probability | Mattingly: Outcome space and events Blitzstein 1 14:30 – End | Pitman 1.1, 1.2 | Practice problems for May 13 Key Concepts May 13-15, May 18-19 |
05/14/20 | Kolmogorov Axioms, Distributions | Blitzstein 3: 17:30- End Mattingly: Partitions and rules of probability | Pitman 1.3 | Quiz 1 on Sakai Getting to know you sheet Quiz 2 on Sakai | Practice problems for May 14 | 05/15/20 | Conditional Probability and Independence | Blitzstein 4 | Pitman 1.4 | Quiz 3 on Sakai | Math730: Reading Assignment 1 Practice problems for May 15 | 05/18/20 | Total Probability/ Bayes Rule | Mattingly: Conditional Probability, Bayes’ Rule , Total Probability | Pitman 1.5 | Quiz 4 on Sakai | Practice problems for May 18 | 05/19/20 | Sequence of Events / Thinking Conditionally / Conditional Independence | Blitzstein 5 | Pitman 1.6 | Homework Set 1 Quiz 5 on Sakai | Practice problems for May 19 | 05/20/20 | The Binomal Distribution | Mattingly: Binomial I Binomial II Blitzstein 8 (Start - 36:00) Blitzstein 2 (If you need a refresher on Combinations) | Pitman 2.1 | Quiz 6 on Sakai | Key Concepts for May 20-22, May 26 Practice problems for May 20 |
05/21/20 | Normal approximation | Mattingly: Normal approximation Law of large numbers | Pitman 2.2 | Quiz 7 on Sakai | Practice problems for May 21 | 05/22/20 | Poisson approximation | Blitzstein 11 Mattingly: Poisson approximation | Pitman 2.4 | Quiz 8 on Sakai Homework Set 2 | 05/25/20 | Memorial Day | Memorial Day: No Classes | 05/26/20 | More discrete distributions | Blitzstein 8 (36:00 - End) Blitzstein 20 (8:30 - 28:00) Mattingly: Counting I Counting II Geometric | Pitman 2.5 | Quiz 9 on Sakai | Practice problems for May 26 | 05/27/20 | Discrete random variables and their expectation | Blitzstein 9 (11:40-41:00) Blitzstein 10 (Start-13:00) For alternative exposition, I've put my own videos on Sakai under VoiceThreads. | Pitman 3.1, 3.2 | 730: Reading Assignment 1 Due Quiz 10 on Sakai | Key Concepts for May 27, 28 Practice problems for May 27 | 05/28/20 | Variance and Higher moments | Blitzstein 14 7:15-12:30 And 24:00-32:00 | Pitman 3.3 | Quiz 11 on Sakai | Practice problems for May 28 | 05/29/20 | Continuous Distributions, cumulative probability | Blitzstein 12 | Pitman 4.1 | Homework Set 3 Quiz 12 on Sakai | Math730: Reading Assignment 2 Key Concepts for May 29, June 1-2 Practice problems for May 29 |
06/01/20 | Exponential and Gamma distributions | Blitzstein 16 Blitzstein 24 start-31:00 | Pitman 4.2 | Quiz 13 on Sakai | Practice problems for June 1 | 06/02/20 | Transformations, change of variables, Moment-generating function | Blitzstein 24 31:00-end Blitzstein 22 7:30-20:00, 26:00-32:40 | Ptiman 4.4 + Notes on MGF | Quiz 14 on Sakai | Practice problems for June 2 | 06/03/20 | Recap | Practice Exam Midterm Instructions | Practice problems for June 3 | 06/04/20 | Q & A for Midterm | 06/05/20 | Midterm | Homework set 4 | 06/08/20 | Joint distributions | Blitstein 19 Start – 8:30 | Pitman 5.1, Pitman 5.2 | Math730: Reading Assignment 3 Published Key Concepts for June 8-12 Practice problems for June 8 |
06/09/20 | Marginal and conditional distributions | Blitstein 19 8:30 -end | Pitman 6.1, Pitman 6.3 (till page 423) | Quiz 15 on Sakai | Practice problems for June 9 | 06/10/20 | Covariance and correlation | Blitzstein 21 | Pitman 6.4 | Last Day to Withdraw Classes Practice problems for June 10 |
06/11/20 | Conditional Expectation | Blitzstein 25 44:00-End Blitzstein 26 | Pitman 6.2, Pitman 6.3 (page 423 to end) | Math730: Reading Assignment 2 Optional: HW1 makeup | Practice problems for June 11 | 06/12/20 | Laws of total variance and expectation | Blitzstein 27 | Homework Set 5 | Practice problems for June 12 | 06/15/20 | Bivariate Normal Distribution | Blitzstein 30 29:00-end | Pitman 6.5 | Quiz 18 on Sakai | Key Concepts for June 15-19 Practice problems for June 15 |
06/16/20 | Probability Inequalities and the Law of Large Numbers | Blitzstein 28 15:00 onwards Blitzstein 29 start-15:50 | Durrett 6.3 Optional: Supplemental notes by Prof. Sayan Mukherjee | Quiz 19 on Sakai | Practice problems for June 16 | 06/17/20 | The Central Limit Theorem | Blitzstein 29 15:50 onwards | Durrett 6.5 | Quiz 20 on Sakai Homework set 6 (7 pm) | Demo problems for June 17 | 06/18/20 | Intro to Markov Chains | Blitzstein 31 | Durrett 4.1, 4.2 Very short hands-on notes on matrices | Quiz 21 on Sakai | Practice Problems for June 18 | 06/19/20 | Markov Chains II | Blitzstein 32 | Durrett 4.3.-4.7. | Quiz 22 on Sakai Homework set 7 (Jun 21 7 pm) | Practice Problems for June 19 | 06/22/20 | Recap | Final Exam Instructions | Practice Exam | 06/23/20 | Reading Day: No Class meeting | 06/24/20 | Final Exam |